Bismuth dipped dabber and carb cap combo by @ziffglass. Available for purchase. $35 shipped in the US.
Bismuth crystal glass dabber and matching bismuth tray.
Why not make it a set? Matching dabbers and bismuth trays. Contact for a combined price shipped to US locations.
Giant straight tube bismuth bangerhanger rig collab.
This straight tube bangerhanger rig collab with Vassily Crettol glass is a beauty! Contact Vass to purchase.
Spider-Man bismuth bubbler collab.
Spidey spun his web around this cool bubbler collab with Vassily Crettol glass. It features a Spider-Man murrine. Contact Vass to purchase.
Bismuth minirig bangerhanger collab.
A neat little bismuth minirig bangerhanger collab with Vassily Crettol glass.