Two new bismuth collabs with Vassily Crettol class. One is a boro glass sculpture paperweight and the other is a boro glass marble stand.
Bismuth boro glass pendants.
New bismuth collabs with Vassily Crettol glass. Use the contact link to purchase or check out video of these pendants on IG: king_bismuth.
Bismuth boro glass collabs: candlesticks and a vessel.
A few more NEW bismuth collabs with Vassily Crettol glass. Two candlesticks and a vessel.
Bismuth and boro glass collabs: candlesticks and paperweight.
Some bismuth collabs with Vassily Crettol glass. A few candlesticks and a paperweight. For sale thru Vass.
Bismuth & boro glass collabs.
These are new bismuth art collabs with Vassily Crettol glass. Some marble stands, a bud vase, and a honeycomb paperweight.