Some beautiful boro glass art sculpture paperweights by Vassilly Crettol glass. The silver tech on the skully is pretty cool. Looks even better with the bismuth!
Bismuth & boro glass collabs: paperweight sculpture and marble stand.
Two new bismuth collabs with Vassily Crettol class. One is a boro glass sculpture paperweight and the other is a boro glass marble stand.
Bismuth boro glass pendants.
New bismuth collabs with Vassily Crettol glass. Use the contact link to purchase or check out video of these pendants on IG: king_bismuth.
Bismuth barware anyone?
Custom bismuth barware anyone? Get a one-of-a-kind unique gift for that person who has everything.
Six different glasses and bismuth textures available: a Coca-Cola drinking glass, a tall beer glass, a wine glass, a champagne flute, a rocks glass (Old Fashioned glass), and a wine decanter/carafe. Of course, use them for whatever you wish.
A light coating of bismuth only around the sides so that the glass still touches the table, and not too heavy.
Contact me to buy.
Bismuth boro glass collabs: candlesticks and a vessel.
A few more NEW bismuth collabs with Vassily Crettol glass. Two candlesticks and a vessel.